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niedziela, 9 grudnia 2018

BLOGMAS#2| What to do when it's boring

Dobrze wiem, jak to jest siedzieć w domu, nie mogąc nigdzie wyjść przez parę dni, albo nawet dłużej, dlatego przychodzę do Was z pomocą.
W dzisiejszym poście mam dla Was kilka propozycji, jak możecie spędzić czas będąc po prostu w domu lub będąc chorym, ponieważ przez maksymalnie 3 dni, można nic nie robić, ale potem to już się zaczyna robić nudne.
I know what it's like to sit at home, not being able to go out for a few days or even longer, which is why I come to help you.
In today's post I've a few suggestions for you, how you can spend time being just at home or being sick, because for a maximum of 3 days, you can do nothing, but then it's already beginning to get boring.
San Marino

poniedziałek, 3 grudnia 2018

BLOGMAS#1| Winter skin, hair and body care

Witajcie w pierwszym wpisie z serii blogmasów, czyli postów pojawiających się przez świętami Bożego Narodzenia, przeważnie codziennie zaczynając o 1 grudnia.
Dzisiaj mam dla Was post nie związany typowo ze świętami, ale z zimą, a mianowicie jak widzicie po tytule - pielęgnacja zimą.
Welcome to the first post in the blogmas series, posts that appear before Christmas, usually every day starting on December 1.
Today I've a post that isn't typically about Christmas, but with the winter, namely how you see the title - winter care.

Krem do rąk glicerynowy cztery pory roku

sobota, 24 listopada 2018

Amateurish, but with a heart!

Witajcie po dosyć długiem przerwie.
Dzisiaj będzie luźny post, w którym poznacie moje inne ja, jako osobę, która lubi amatorsko robić zdjęcia.
Mam nadzieję, że się Wam spodoba. 💋
Ps. Wszystkie zdjęcia nie są obrabiane celowo, ale jeżeli będziecie chcieli to mogę dodać te same (lub inne) zdjęcia po obróbce. 

Welcome after a long break.
Today will be a loose post in which you will meet my other self, as a person who likes to take pictures with pleasure.
I hope you like it. 💋
Ps. All photos are not deliberately machined, but if you want, I can add the same (or other) photos after processing.

Cotton balls

sobota, 2 czerwca 2018

June bullet journal!

W dzisiejszym poście postanowiłam pokazać Wam mój czerwcowy bullet journal..
Dopiero  zaczynam swoją przygodę z bujo, więc mój kalendarz jest minimalistyczny, bardzo minimalistyczny, ale mam nadzieję, że wraz ze mną będziecie oglądali moje postępy, które (mam nadzieję) pojawią się niedługo.

piątek, 25 maja 2018

A lot of new cosmetics, ie 2+2 promotion

How are you, maybe you also love promotions and have taken advantage of this in Rossmann? Yes,  I take and unfortunately twice times, because I used my card and my boyfriend.
Perhaps you will take advantage of my proposals, because it is valid until 28/05/2018, the next Monday.
The only condition that must be met to use the promotion is to have the Rossmann Club Card (one card can use this promotion only once).
Without prolonging, I invite you to haul.

środa, 16 maja 2018

Wibo Spicy Lip Gloss!

I'm sure that you certainly know or at least associate what is it the Wibo company. I personally like the products of this company (Lovely too), I'm happy to test their new products. They have low prices and, EXTREMELY, they are good quality, but there can always be a sell.
Today's product is new for me, but not in the cosmetics world. Spicy Lip Gloss is a lip gloss with flecks and chilli pepper extract which is supposed to stimulate lips. The producer promises that with this lip gloss we'll have enlarged and raised lips.

poniedziałek, 7 maja 2018

Being an adult - the stupidest dream of childhood!

I want to be an adult, move out, buy everything what I want, don't be controlled by others. I can't wait for my eighteenth birthday, then I will be free, I will have a very well-paid job, an exlusive apartment and my life will be perfect. - that's what I and probably most of people who read this post told when we were younger.

sobota, 28 kwietnia 2018

You have one life, not nine!

At present, the opinions of others are very important to Us. We want to please people, not stand out (in this bad and in this good sense of the word). We are afraid to take a step forward, because we are afraid that we will be ridiculed, criticized, etc.

sobota, 21 kwietnia 2018

Promotion -55% in Rossmann, or first come first served

I know that it annoys some, but unfortunately (I'm glad) I was outside Poland this week, namely in France, and I didn't have my laptop with me, because the plan was that we would be back after 3 days and I came back only this afternoon and I didn't have to write a post.

So I thought I would make a loose promotion post -55% in Rossmann. I did not buy much, so it will be a short entry.

Ps. There is a questionnaire on the right side of the blog, I would be grateful if you would take part in it, thank you in advance.

sobota, 14 kwietnia 2018

Don't look back!

Everyone has dreams, desires and goals. We want to achieve them as soon as possible.

Białe różowe kwiaty polne